Tat-Tnabar music group


Tat-Tnabar is a mighty team of 7 talented professionals in the fields of percussions, dance, theatre, and music. Lefteris Moschovias created them in Cyprus during the summer of 2000, and their goal is to break away from the usual musical trends, by utilizing anything but the usual musical instruments, with the source of their inspiration originating from the musical history of Africa.

Tat-Tnabar is the only percussion group in Cyprus that participates in various Ethnic music Festivals abroad giving concerts and promoting our Cypriot tradition with improvised and recyclable musical instruments.  They compose music for theatre, movies and documentaries and always perform their own music with instruments that they built from scratch – pots and pans, buckets, barrels, plastic tubes and even vegetables.

Their music has been awarded the THOK (Cyprus Theatre Organization) theatre award as ‘Best music of the Year’ on two separate occasions, in 2005/06 and 2006/07.

They also perform and give seminars on ‘The evolution of rhythm and sound, from the Paleolithic era to today, of electronic music’.

With history, philosophy and mythology being the archives of human heritage, sound-rhythm-moves with extracts taken from various African musical tribes that live in the depths of the jungle.


They manage to combine ecology with art and offer a unique spectacle as well as strong environmental message. They will travel you on magical paths where one can discover the beauties of our planet, from the desert to the Amazon rainforest, from the depths of Africa to modern Europe, from the seabed to the highest mountain peak.

Through beauty and art, culture is born alongside the respect of human beings toward other human beings and the love in everything that surrounds us.


Source: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071661413190



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