Bridging Cultures: Sustainability and Eco-Transformation in Europe’s Creative Sector!

Europe, a continent renowned for its rich cultural diversity, is witnessing a remarkable shift towards sustainability and eco-transformation in the creative sector. Through the INTERACTION project, several countries from the Balkans to the Baltic are embracing sustainable practices while celebrating their unique cultural heritage. This fusion of diversity and unity in development is driving a […]
Kickstarting sustainability in creativity: Our ‘INTERACTION’ project begins.

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of INTERACTION (HighlIght the EuropeaN heriTagE thRough sustAinblE CreativiTy and cIrcular ecONomy) – our Erasmus+ funded project dedicated to propelling the creative industry towards sustainability. Mid November, our consortium of dedicated partners gathered for an energizing 2-day meeting in Strumica, North Macedonia to turn ideas into action. On Day […]